- BK-0011 questions
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? aiju@ - 07.05.2013 22:10
I intend to emulate a floppy drive and/or serial line so I'm probably going to need to have both interrupts and DMA. I'd like to connect as many as possible so I really want to choose the 34 most useful lines here.
? SKcorp. - 07.05.2013 23:24
2Kisser: Не загрузит. Я ведь не зря две ссылки дал.
? SKcorp. - 07.05.2013 23:35
A19 ВУ Н select device
ЗАН Н = Busy
ROM3&4 = select ROM pages if peripherals have ROM.
A30 = select (who knows?)
? aiju@ - 08.05.2013 15:33
I can load the BK-0010 monitor but it doesn't load from tape.
After asking for the file name it just returns to the prompt.
? M
? Mdesk@ - 08.05.2013 17:19
Use B:FILE to load BK0010(01) files from the BK0011(M) monitor.
? Артём - 08.05.2013 18:16
? M
? S (Enter)
? Kisser - 08.05.2013 21:25
>> Use B:FILE to load BK0010(01) files from the BK0011(M) monitor.
т.е. загрузить монитор, потом не запуская его, загрузить файл в основную память, запустить монитор 10ки и из него - программу?
? Kisser - 08.05.2013 21:27
>> 2Kisser: Не загрузит. Я ведь не зря две ссылки дал.
Просмотрел обе темы. Из второй тонко следует что надо 11ю переделать?
? aiju@ - 08.05.2013 21:57
I'm actually more interested in the function of the ППР1Н, ЗАНН (BSY) and A30 signals. Also: ОСТН seems to reset the system, is that correct?
? Mdesk@ - 08.05.2013 22:19
>> т.е. загрузить монитор, потом не запуская его, загрузить файл в основную память, запустить монитор 10ки и из него - программу?
Нет. Я имел в виду: загрузить из монитора БК0011 файл монитора БК0010, указав имя файла в виде 'B:FILE', а не просто 'FILE'.
Но потом я внимательнее перечитал пост aiju от 15:33 и понял, что он спросил не об этом, и я зря об этом написал. На самом деле у него не грузится файл программы уже из монитора БК0010 командой 'М'.
>> After asking for the file name it just returns to the prompt
Вообще не запускается загрузка файла программы, как я понял. Почему-то сразу выскакивает в '?'.
? Kisser - 08.05.2013 22:29
ППР1Н - it's a vector interrupt confirmation from CPU. More correct is to use ППР2Н - it's ППР1Н after keyboard controller.
ЗАНН (BSY) - just BUSY signal from CPU, indicates that the system bus is busy, not really uses.
A30 ВБН - don't really know what is that, but something like "upper adress window selected". It will more correct if you'll use your own adress selector then build-in in BK.
I'll upload a time diagramms for better understanding.
Here is a READ cycle (рис.3) - "Данные" - data, "Адрес" - adress.
T - transmitter, R - Reciever. нс=ns.
Here is a DMA access (рис.4) and interrupt cycle (рис.5) - you'll can see IAKO there.
Note that all signals in BK are inversed (even adress and data) - i.e. logical "1" is an electrical "0" - 0V.
>> Вообще не запускается загрузка файла программы, как я понял. Почему-то сразу выскакивает в '?'.
Кажется дело в том что это 11я, с ее хитрой работой с 177716.
? aiju@ - 08.05.2013 22:41
Do you know where the ВУН (BS7, I/O page selected) signal comes from? I looked for it on the schematic but can't find it.
? Mdesk@ - 08.05.2013 23:19
A19 ВУН (#85 on bus) comes from the D27-11 (it's named as #83 on bus there, it's a misprint)
? aiju@ - 09.05.2013 00:04
Could I just check the address bits or do I need ВУН?
? Kisser - 09.05.2013 20:40
>> Could I just check the address bits or do I need ВУН?
You can use your own adress selector. ВУН is a extra signal to simplify schemes on discret components. If you'll use FPGA, you can build whole device inside the chip.
For building a working device you should use only signal come from (to) CPU. Other signals are not necessary. The minimal configuration is: AD, SYNC, DIN, RPLY. To write up in device you should use DOUT. For byte commands - WTBT. That's all if there are no interrupts or DMA.
And there are no answers about monitor Bk10 yet ((( sorry.
But you can buy floppy-HDD controller )))
? aiju@ - 10.05.2013 22:50
Are the logic levels TTL or CMOS or something different? Would 3.3V be read as high?
? Kisser - 10.05.2013 23:09
Pure TTL. If you'll use open-collector (not 3-state) outputs there will no problems. Direct connection 3,3V to BK could (but not necessarily so) damage 3,3V device - cause' there are pull-up resistors (2,2 kOhm) to 5V on all bus lines.
Or use outputs configing to tristate only to "0" - if there's a electrical "1" - don't open this output. In Quartus there's a "tri" element: connect left input to GND, and up input to your signal (so, you'll get necessary inversion by that).
? aiju@ - 11.05.2013 21:24
Are the outputs on the BK-0011 tri-state or open collector?
? aiju@ - 12.05.2013 23:48
If I just use open-collector outputs, won't I run into timing problems? How large is the bus capacitance on the BK-0011?
? Kisser - 13.05.2013 09:14
>> Are the outputs on the BK-0011 tri-state or open collector?
Open collector
>> won't I run into timing problems?
BK clock is not so high. most of modern chips meets required conditions.
>> How large is the bus capacitance on the BK-0011?
Nobody knows ))) But they told that is great, about 100-200 pf.
But there's a working solution - to delay the SYNC and RPLY signals on 100-150 ns, and 1-to-0 (electr.) front of DOUT on 80-120 ns.
Look at the sheme below:
It's an extra-RAM for BK-0010. There's no SYNC delay but RPLY delay (cause of slowly RAM chips used) on R5-R7 and C5.
? aiju@ - 13.05.2013 19:47
I mean, timing problems because of the open collector + bus capacitance. With 200 pF and 2200 ohm pull-up I calculate about 400 ns rise time.
Any thoughts on using this circuit for levelshifting? I think I can leave out the resistors because BK and FPGA already have pull-up resistors.
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